About Me
Melissa is Malessea. Malessea loves art, culture, and spirituality. Malessea has been connected to her Greek culture from a young age. Her father is Greek and her father's side is from Sparta. She receives messages from the dead and details in her dreams. Malessea is metaphysical medium. Malessea brings her knowledge of Greek herbs to her craft. Malessea trained in Mediumship in many seances and courses over a two year period to the Advanced level with Hollywood's Good Witch, Patti Negri.
Malessea was trained to be a rootworker/hoodoo candle reader. Malessea is from Washington, DC but Delaware is where she resides currently. Malessea also provides services as: In person Reiki Treatments, Hoodoo Rootwork, Greek Spell work & Offerings, Greek Coffe Cup Readings, Bones & Charms Readings, Palm Readings, Tea Leaf Readings, Tarot readings and Mediumship Sessions. Malessea is passionate and driven toward helping you create healing and magic in your life.
Malessea is from Washington, DC but Delaware is where she resides. Malessea is also known as Psychic Artemisia, as her former name for a call-in phone company that provided over the phone readings.
I receive messages from the dead sometimes and details in my dreams. I have been doing dream interpretation for 20 years. I bring all my various knowledge, love of life & all people to my craft. I am passionate and driven toward helping you create healing, magic in your life and be your personal cheerleader! I am here to help!
"Melissa is a given name for a female. The name comes from the Greek word μÎλισσα (mélissa), "bee,"[1] which in turn comes from μÎλι (meli), "honey."[2][3] In Hittite, melit signifies "honey."[4]
In addition, the ancient Greek philosopher, Porphyry (233 to c. 304 AD) wrote of the priestesses of Demeter, known as Melissae ("bees"), who were initiates of the chthonian goddess.[12] The story surrounding Melissae tells of an elderly priestess of Demeter, named Melissa, initiated into her mysteries by the goddess herself.[13] When Melissa's neighbors tried to make her reveal the secrets of her initiation, she remained silent, never letting a word pass from her lips. In anger, the women tore her to pieces, but Demeter sent a plague upon them, causing bees to be born from Melissa's dead body. From Porphyry's writings, scholars have also learned that Melissa was the name of the moon goddess Artemis and the goddess who took suffering away from mothers giving birth. Souls were symbolized by bees and it was Melissa who drew souls down to be born. She was connected with the idea of a periodic regeneration."