Candles are used to bring artistic aid in your creative abilities and women’s power & aesthetic!
Greek goddess, Mnemosyne is connected to the concept of memory, art and hummingbirds while Frida Kahlo was an exceptional female artist which we draw upon both of their powers!
"MNEMOSYNE was the Titan goddess of memory and remembrance and the inventress of language and words.As a Titan daughter of Ouranos (Uranus, Heaven), Mnemosyne was also a goddess of time. She represented the rote memorisation required to preserve the stories of history and the sagas of myth before the introduction of writing. In this role she was the mother of the Mousai (Muses) who were originally patron goddesses of poets of the oral tradition.Finally Mnemosyne was a minor oracular goddess like her sister-Titanesses. She presided over the underground oracle of Trophonios (Trophonius) in Boiotia (Boeotia).The Titanis (Titaness) Mnemosyne was sometimes named as one of three Elder Mousai (Muses), who preceded the nine daughters of Zeus as goddesses of music."
Offerings to mnemosyne
- journal entries
- poetry
- lyrics
- music
- spring water
- wool
- oil
- lamp
- candles
- photographs
- azurite
- hematite
- green calcite
- opal
- pyrite
- amethyst
- sodalite
- quartz
- emerald
- mushrooms
"The Orphic Hymn to the Mnimosýni
77. Mnimosýni
The consort I invoke of Jove divine,
Source of the holy, sweetly-speaking Nine;
Free from th' oblivion of the fallen mind,
By whom the soul with intellect is join'd:
Reason's increase, and thought to thee belong,
All-powerful, pleasant, vigilant, and strong:
'Tis thine, to waken from lethargic rest
All thoughts deposited within the breast;
And nought neglecting, vigorous to excite
The mental eye from dark oblivion's night.
Come, blessed power, thy Mystic's mem'ry wake
To holy rites, and Lethe's fetters break.
* 'Memory (says Plotinus [En. IV, iii, 28, TTS vol. III]) leads to the object of memory.' (ἄγεϊ γάρ η μνήμη πρός τό υνημονεύτον) But the object of memory to the soul is intellect, and the forms or ideas it contains, to which the soul tends through reminiscence; so that the Goddess of Memory is very properly said by Orpheus to conjoin the soul with intellect."
(Orphic Hymn 77 Mnimosyni, trans. by Thomas Taylor, 1792; found here in Hymns and Initiations: The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus, The Prometheus Trust [England by Antony Rowe, Chippenham, Wiltshire], Vol. V of the TTS; p. 145)
***Candle Reports are delivered in 13 Days!
When your candle is done burning, you will be emailed a candle burn report that goes over the signs and interpretations of your candle.
When purchasing a candle you can send me an email with a petition of your prayer for each candle. You can also upload a photo as well if desired.
First three images are copywritten and artwork is created by:
The other images are from Google to show the theme/history...
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