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Candles are used to bring passion, to look sexy, to seduce someone or bring you, sexual partners.


"EROS was the primordial god (protogenos) of procreation who emerged self-formed at the dawn of creation. He was the driving force behind the generation of new life in the cosmos. The Orphics named him Phanes, a primal being hatched from the world-egg. He was also equivalent to Thesis (Creation) and Physis, (Nature).

The younger Eros, a mischievous godling armed with bow and arrows, was a son of the goddess Aphrodite. EROS was the mischievous god of love, a minion and constant companion of the goddess Aphrodite.The poet Hesiod first represents him as a primordial deity who emerges self-born at the beginning of time to spur procreation. (See the Protogenos Eros and Phanes for more information.) The same poet later describes two love-gods, Eros and Himeros (Desire), accompanying Aphrodite at the time of her birth from the sea-foam. Some classical writers interpreted this to mean the pair were born of the goddess immediately following her birth or else alongside her from the sea-foam. The scene was particular popular in ancient art where the godlings flutter about the goddess as she reclines inside a conch-shell.Eventually Eros was multiplied by ancient poets and artists into a host of Erotes (Roman Cupides). The singular Eros, however, remained distinct in myth. It was he who lit the flame of love in the hearts of the gods and men, armed with either a bow and arrows or a flaming torch. Eros was often portrayed as the disobedient but fiercely loyal child of Aphrodite.In ancient vase painting Eros is depicted as either a handsome youth or child. His attributes were varied--from the usual bow and arrows, to the gifts of a lover such as a hare, sash, or flower. Sculptors preferred the image of the bow-armed boy, whereas mosaic artists favoured the figure of a winged putto (plump baby)."


Offering to Eros: if possible leave out a small offering of either honeysuckle/lilies flowers, bird feathers, some apples or grapes in his honor. 


***Candle Reports are delivered in 13 Days!

​When your candle is done burning, you will be emailed a candle burn report that goes over the signs and interpretations of your candle. 


When purchasing a candle you can send me an email with a petition of your prayer for each candle. You can also upload a photo as well if desired. 


First three images are copywritten and artwork is created by:



The other images are from Google to show the theme/history...


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