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Persephone is the Greek Goddess in the underworld. Candles are used to bring renewal, ask the Greek Goddess of the underworld to hear your prayer, she brings change.


"Persephone is a fertility goddess and is known as "she who brings healing in Spring". She is agriculture & spiritual rebirth. Guardian of the dead and of marriage. Responsible for seasonal change and spring growth. She was abducted by Hades into the underwood she spends autumn and winter underground and the rest above ground. (She is shown with several famous iconic images: the double serpent, the pomegranate and grain). -Dynamo House Pty.Ltd. 


"O Queen of Peace
Of the Grave. O Slave
to Love: Enchained by six seeds
Of your desire, surrounded by
Five rivers of fire, and the soft susurrus
Of one million dead. Lips as dark
As a fresh-cut wound; flesh
As pale as the skull of the moon; and hair
As black as the granite throne; as the lintel stone
Above the bed on which he broke you.
O Unbroken She: O Persephone...
- from Persephonic Hymn by Jack Grayle, 
in his astonishing book The Hekataeon"


"My child, tell me, surely you have not tasted any food while you were below? Speak out and hide nothing, but let us both know. For if you have not, you shall come back from loathly Hades and live with me and your father, the dark-clouded Son of Cronos and be honoured by all the deathless gods; but if you have tasted food, you must go back again beneath the secret places of the earth, there to dwell a third part of the seasons every year: yet for the two parts you shall be with me and the other deathless gods. But when the earth shall bloom with the fragrant flowers of spring in every kind, then from the realm of darkness and gloom thou shalt come up once more to be a wonder for gods and mortal men. And now tell me how he rapt you away to the realm of darkness and gloom, and by what trick did the strong Host of Many beguile you?" 

- Demeter speaks to Persephone, 
from Homeric Hymn to Demeter (trs. H. G. Evelyn-White)"

Offerings to Persephone:

if possible leave out either some flowers, photos of bats, rams, parrots, monkeys or some almonds, a stick of vanilla and/or a pomegranate. 


  • General: Spring, flower crown, torch, reeds, waterfalls, rivers and springs, flowers
  • Animals: Bat, ram, parrots and all talking birds, and monkeys
  • Plants: Pomegranate, narcissus, willow tree, lily, ivy, lily of the valley, oriental lily, maidenhair fern, daisy, and lavender
  • Perfumes/Scents: Floral scents, especially narcissus and hyacinth, almond, vanilla, and bergamot, pomegranate
  • Gems and Metals: Crystal, quartz, agate, black onyx, pink tourmaline, sapphire, obsidian, mercury, coral, agate, and jasper
  • Colors: Green, black, light blue, purple, magenta, indigo, and yellow


***Candle Reports are delivered in 13 Days!

​When your candle is done burning, you will be emailed a candle burn report that goes over the signs and interpretations of your candle. 


When purchasing a candle you can send me an email with a petition of your prayer for each candle. You can also upload a photo as well if desired. 


First three images are copywritten and artwork is created by:



The other images are from Google to show the theme/history...


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