Candles are used to stop liars and gossip. Apollo brings the truth. Your Mouth Tied is a term used in Hoodoo.
"APOLLON (Apollo) was the Olympian god of prophecy and oracles, music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease, and the protection of the young. He was depicted as a handsome, beardless youth with long hair and attributes such as a wreath and branch of laurel, bow and quiver of arrows, raven, and lyre."
Offering to Apollo:
" Large Altars:Sun water
Wine diluted with pure water
Olive oil
Herbal teas
Honey and honey cakes
Orange or lemon pastries
Lamb or goat meat
Golden objects such as gold bowls, gold wine cups, flakes of gold, etc.
Bows and arrows, real, toys, or artImages or art of the sun
All musical instruments, especially stringed instruments
Wolf and/or dolphin imagery
Any images of birds, especially crows and swans
Yellow, gold, and white candles
Incense such as frankincense or myrrh
Small/Hidden Altars:
Chocolates with orange or lemon flavors
Laurel wreaths
Gems such as amber, sunstone, and yellow sapphires
Laurel tree branches or leaves
Lily of the valley
Aloe vera
Poetry you’ve written
Music you’ve written
Art you’ve drawn
Photos you’ve taken
Concert tickets
Golden jewelry or jewelry of the sun or arrows
LGBT+ flags
Divination items (tarot cards, pendulums, etc.)
Wolf and/or dolphin art, toys, or photos
All bird feathers, but especially swan and crow feathers
Devotional Acts:
Donate to medical charities
Support up-and-coming/indie artists and musicians
Sing to Him
Play musical instruments for Him
Hold dance parties
Make a playlist for Him and listen to it daily
Read poetry to Him
Take care of your mental health and remember to take your medicine, if you have any
Try archery
Try different types of divination
Try and wake up early and watch the sun rise
Go for a walk and feel the warmth from the sunLet more sunlight into your home/room
Learn a musical instrument or how to sing
Learn simple medical care, like CPR
Learn about His history, His mother’s history, and His sister’s history
Learn about His lovers
Attend prideSupport LGBT+ rights
Wear yellow or orange clothing
Honor Leto and Artemis
Pray to Him and speak to Him often, things to consider praying for are guidance, healing/good health, inspiration, a prophecy or truth"
***Candle Reports are delivered in 13 Days!
When your candle is done burning, you will be emailed a candle burn report that goes over the signs and interpretations of your candle.
When purchasing a candle you can send me an email with a petition of your prayer for each candle. You can also upload a photo as well if desired.
First three images are copywritten and artwork is created by:
The other images are from Google to show the theme/history...
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